Winter is well and truly here. Are you experiencing ills, chills, colds, flu, coughs or are you working on supporting your immune system? Either way Aromatherapy can help.
We’ll explore how to use aromatherapy in your daily life. Additionally, you will learn about some of the essential oils that are beneficial to use for support over winter. They will add another layer of protection against ills and chills.
Aromatherapy simply means “a therapy with aromas”
Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy that, like herbalism, draws on the healing powers of the plant world, but instead of using the whole or part of a plant, it employs only its essential oil. These essential oils are extracted from flowers, roots, leaves, resins, woods, barks and are at least 70 times more concentrated than the herb or plant from which it is extracted. Not all plants contain essential oils, and only a small number are of therapeutic quality.
Essential oils may be used singly or in combination to bring about a healing reaction in the body. They work in perfect balance, addressing the body, mind and emotions. All three aspects are addressed simultaneously by stimulating the already active healing, calming and regenerative mechanisms within us.
Use a variety of methods to include Aromatherapy in your daily life
There are many ways to use essential oils in our everyday lives. When we are looking at ways to support us during winter, we are looking at helping to protect against airborne infections and supporting primarily the respiratory and immune systems. When deciding on the best method of use think about what area of the body you are helping, where you are and who it is for. Using one or several methods daily will help support you and your family through winter.
Diffusing - A diffuser helps to break down essential oils into millions of micro particles and helps to spread essential oils throughout the air in a room. This type of diffusion disperses oils without the heating that can render oils less therapeutically beneficial. Using an electrical diffuser helps spread more oil over a wider area and helps protect against airborne infections.
Steam Inhalation - Steam inhalation has traditionally been used for supporting the respiratory tract. Helping to treat respiratory conditions such as colds, the flu, sore throats, sinus congestion, environmental allergies etc. The respiratory system is frequently a “first avenue” of infection. Inhaling essential oils can help prevent respiratory infections. Hot water helps release the vapours quickly, while the towel overhead encapsulates the steam and oils to be absorbed by the body and slow, deep breathing enables the essential oils to reach the bloodstream via the lungs.
Bath - By combining essential oils with a carrier product, you can safely add them to a bath. Bathing with essential oils is great for stress reduction, relaxation, soothing sore muscles and joints, supporting respiratory health, mood enhancement, and treating your senses to the full aroma of an essential oil. Essential oils don’t dilute in water, so it is important to add your essential oils into a carrier oil, milk or liquid castile soap.
Carrier Oil Blend - Essential oils are far too concentrated to be used on the skin undiluted. There are occasions where undiluted essential oils are appropriate and desirable, such as a drop of lavender on a bee sting to stop the pain and swelling. However, for general use, it is best to always dilute the essential oils in an oil-based carrier. Adding them into a carrier oil helps to disperse them and enables you to apply directly onto the skin. It is beneficial for allowing slow, continuous absorption over a period of time and can be applied directly over the area of concern. It is important to use cold-pressed carrier oils as they have not undergone heat processes and therefore retain their vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Sweet Almond oil is the most popular and versatile cold-pressed carrier oil. This method of use is great for making a chest rub.
After deciding on your method it’s important to know how to use them
With a little practice, you’ll be able to incorporate essential oils into your daily life and experience the amazing benefits and healing properties of aromatherapy. It is important to ensure that the correct dosage is administered.
Fill the base of your diffuser with water and add your essential oils. Place the top back on the diffuser and start. For adults 5-10 drops of essential oils For Children – no more than 5 drops. It is best for babies and young children to diffuse for short periods of time like 15 minute increments then have a break for a while. For pets make sure the room is well ventilated and that they can leave the room if they choose.
Steam Inhalation
Get together a bath towel and glass or ceramic bowl. Fill your bowl with hot water – the water should be hot enough to be steaming, but not so hot that it will burn your skin or mucous membranes. Add one drop of essential oil to the hot water. If you get more than two drops, leave that bowl to purify the air and start again. Too much essential oil in a steam can give you a headache. With your eyes closed, lean over the bowl draping the bath towel over your head and the bowl, and breathe in the steam. Begin relatively high over the bowl, getting the sense of how this feels. You can go closer to the water if you need to gather more steam, or further away if you want less steam. If the water is too hot, lift up the towel and let some of the steam out. Breathe in the steam for a few minutes, or as long as you desire. You may want to have a few tissues on hand as this inhalation may free up the mucus in your sinuses. -
Fill a bath tub with warm to hot water. Add no more than 5 drops of essential oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil, milk or liquid castile soap (be aware that carrier oils can make a bath slippery). Be sure to blend your oils into a carrier before adding them to your bath. Essential oils are drawn to lipids, or fat, and your skin is partially made up of lipids. If you put the essential oils directly into the bathwater, when you get in the tub, the oils will be drawn to your skin in concentrated form and may cause irritation. After the tub is filled with water at your desired temperature add in your essential oil and carrier mix. Mix it around and get in and enjoy. Therapeutic baths should not exceed 15 minutes as toxins are drawn out of the body into the bath water and after 15 minutes they will get reabsorbed into the body.
Carrier Oil Blend
Generally, effective blends are made using a dilution ratio of 1%, 2% or 3% of essential oil to the carrier.
1% Dilution - 30ml - 5-6 drops
Use for children between 5 -12 years old, elderly or those who are medically fragile, people with long-term illness or immune system disorders, individuals who are sensitive to fragrances, chemicals or other environmental pollutants.
2% Dilution - 30ml - 10 -12 drops
Use for skincare, natural perfumes, massage oils, blends you like to use everyday.
3% Dilution - 30ml - 15 to 18 drops
Use for creating a blend to address a specific, acute health concern, such as pain relief, or getting through a cold or flu.
The quality of the essential oils you use is very important
It is important to acquire only the purest essential oils, oils which have not been diluted or adulterated with any other oil or substance. 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils are the best and safest to use.
The Herb Farm destination retail shop stocks the Absolute Essential range of essential oils. Absolute Essential only use pure, certified organic or wild grown (sustainable) plants to produce their oils and all extraction processes are strictly controlled to produce the best quality oil with maximum purity and restorative value.
Favourite oils to use in Winter from Absolute Essential
There are many oils you can use during winter. Here are some favourites for you to explore
Single Essential Oils
Clove Bud Essential oil – A bright and stimulating essential oil to strengthen immunity. If the aroma is too intense, blend with oils such as Orange Sweet.
Eucalyptus Australiana - A clean and refreshing oil that is well known as a great expectorant and quite possibly the best known cold & flu remedy of all time.
Lemon – Refreshing and energising that supports circulation and immune function. Immune function.
Peppermint – supports healthy breathing, clears congestion.
Tea Tree – A versatile antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal oil to support cleansing and purification
Essential oil blends are a total solution in one small bottle
These are professionally formulated to bring the most effective combination of essential oils together for maximum immune protection and winter health. Using oils singularly is great, however a blend will provide a more complete & restorative result.
Immune Care – a potent and protective blend to support healthy immune function. Enhances recovery from ills and chills. Key ingredients: Manuka, Lavender Spike, Thyme Thymol, Tea tree
Inhale – refreshing all-natural blend with antiseptic properties that supports decongestion and relief from sinus irritations. Key ingredients: Eucalyptus Australiana, Lavender Spike, Peppermint
Purify: Air Cleanser – Fresh and cleansing blend to effectively kill germs and support the immune system. Key Ingredients: Lemon, Eucalyptus Australiana, Cedarwood Atlas, Lemongrass
Breathe Well – optimises oxygen flow and supports mucus expulsion. Helps with easing of chest congestion due to its antiseptic, expectorant and relaxing properties. Key Ingredients: Pine Scotch, Eucalyptus Australiana, Tea Tree, Aniseed
Blends for Children
Child Immune Care – Soothing and strengthening blend which may support health & speedy recovery from common childhood conditions. Key ingredients: Manuka, Bergamot, Ravensar, Lemon.
Baby Breathe – A natural blend to support respiratory health, clear mucus, boost immunity and calm snuffly babies. Key Ingredients: Eucalyptus Blue Gum, Lavender Spike, Fir Balsam, Spruce Black
Essential oils can help us maintain harmony and balance in our lives and promote better general health and wellbeing alongside a healthy, nutritious diet, fresh air, sunlight, exercise and adequate rest and sleep to allow our bodies time to recharge, regenerate and renew.
About the Author

Michelle is a qualified Beauty Therapist with over 30 years experience. She is passionate about natural health & wellbeing and loves to share her knowledge to help guide people with their health & wellbeing.