Christmas has come and gone, and now the New Year has begun. Do you set yourself New Year's Resolutions?
Personally, I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions as I find they add pressure on what is often a pressured time of year. Instead, I believe it is a perfect time to reflect and find things from the previous year to be grateful for.
A perfect place to do this reflection is in the garden - if you don’t have one you are welcome to come and “borrow” our Herb Farm gardens.
I recommend thinking of different areas of your life such as family, work, hobbies, health, fitness and if you want to set goals for things you want to change then go ahead and do that.
If you like being creative, you can create a vision board for how you want 2023 to look for you.
This is perhaps a softer approach to New Year’s Resolutions and one I personally prefer rather than setting myself up to potentially fail if I do not achieve those resolutions set on the last day of the year.
My favourite place at The Herb Farm to sit and reflect on life is our area we call The Sanctuary. You have the company of Saint Francis. Here is a great quote attributed to Saint Francis,
“Start by doing what’s necessary; Then do what’s possible; And suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
So come out and visit if you would like and spend a little time reflecting on how you would like 2023 to be for you.
Let’s focus on kindness, peace and harmony for the year ahead.
- Lynn Kirkland (Herbalist and Founder of The Herb Farm)